
UofM Robotics (formerly GOFIRST) – Some of the robots I’ve worked on/managed in the past.

GitHub – Some more of the public code I have published including:

  • MauiNUnitRunner – A NUnit test runner for .NET MAUI projects, providing full NUnit capabilities and an intuitive but rich UI.
  • XamarinNUnitRunner – The Xamarin based precursor to the MauiNUnitRunner project.
  • NeoPixel LED Controller – driver/Arduino firmware for controlling LED backlighting.
  • DFRobot MiniQ 2WD Library – Arduino library to interact with the DFRobot MiniQ 2WD.
  • WiiExt – Arduino library and circuit for connecting to Wii accessory controllers.
  • Meeting Check-in Web App – Website for tracking meeting attendance.